‘Overload’ Book Review


I bought this book when I was twelvish/ thirteen..around that time but only got around to reading it at nineteen. And I’m really glad I did, I don’t think I would’ve fully absorbed the depth of it had I read it back when I bought it.

‘Overload’ is a fictional novel about the power industry and how electricity generation companies in the United States function. The book follows Nim Goldman, vice president of GSP&L (the main power provider for the state of California), in the midst of all the drama that comes with being in charge through a very rough power famine. The plot explores the dilemma of utility companies and the difficulties they face as they fight to satisfy the ever increasing demands for electricity. It goes to show the amount of challenges that face a corporation fighting to stay afloat through terrorism, power theft, extremely bureaucratic procedures imposed by politicians to win over the public, all while keeping the peace with environmentalists protesting their every move. Continue reading


‘The Sanctuary’ Book Review


There are two types of good books, there are those mind-blowingly awesome books that touch you so deeply you feel the urge to chase the writer halfway across the galaxy just to let him/her know how great their work is. And then there are those books that are ‘just good’. You enjoy reading them and that’s it. To me, ‘The Sanctuary’ was of the latter type. Despite it not being exactly the ‘keep you on the edge of your seat’ type of thriller and the plot being highly predictable (I predicted the book’s major twist more than a hundred pages before it was actually revealed), I enjoyed reading this book. Continue reading


‘Deception Point’ Book Review


A friend gave me this novel a couple of years back and I really loved it, partially because of my personal interest in NASA and my admiration for the kind of work it does. Those people, in my humble opinion, are the twenty first century’s versions of Christopher Columbus who delved into the unknown powered only by curiosity and an eagerness to explore the world. They push their limits and the limits of scientific knowledge to attempt what was previously perceived impossible, face countless failures and obstacles, and keep going while the rest of the world stands back in skepticism and politicians use them as an elevating/ pressuring tool in their own schemes. Continue reading